Seeking our balance in a multi-polar world

2 min readMar 6, 2022

This is my first story on Medium. I am a rookie here and that too attempting to post on a Sunday. I have been following a few really good authors here and it’s my inspiration that I get from them almost everyday (I do limit my screentime) that led me to posting my story from India based on my experiences.

My take of Balance

Social media has added a lot of freedom of voice, ability to support causes, improvement of social and other skills for humanity. It has inspired us all to engage and learn.

In an article on Chelsey Louise wrote a thought provoking post on DoomScrolling which as defined by Wikipedia, is the act of spending an excessive amount of screen time devoted to the absorption of negative news. Here’s a link to her post, where she talks about the impact of negative news and some steps we can all take to prevent the negative impact.

Consumer brands, Enterprises, Media, Gurus and Political Voices are constantly jostling to get a large share of our screens and a sizable portion of our minds. Many times, that jeopardizes our share of peace, that we all need.

A significant portion of this technology enabled media has come free.

“Free” comes at a price. The price of our sense of “Balance” in a multi-polar world. Balance to me is our ability to see different points of view and appreciating the context by exercising our values, empathy and compassion. Our sense of Balance in my mind is seeded in our formative years — the events, the influences and most importantly the values which are established because of our social upbringing

It is NOT about giving up on our freedom to choose or seeking out our sources of inspiration.

Despite community guidelines and code of ethics, the degree of contamination continues, and one hopes that technology would sooner than later be able to help us separate the “wheat” from the “chaff” (read fakenews, and divisive forces )

Till that happens, we will have to rely on our sagacity, our values and our sense of purpose. It is a tough act and sometimes we will have to make tough choices on the channels we choose to engage with — the channels and platforms we can really trust; at least in a relative way.

Balance is important for all purpose driven individuals and teams, it impacts our health (especially mental health) and wellness; and we must do everything we can to keep it safe and healthy.

We could do with a lot more positivity at this moment (and beyond) in the history of humankind that we are doing our time in.

In the least it will help nurture a better world than the one we inherited. What are your views?

